Budo Seminar, Chartre - France, 26-28 febr.
Cristian LAIBER
During 26-28 february took place at Chartre
less than 100 km from Paris a special Seminar of Traditional Martial Arts,
organized from UNGDA (National Union of Aikigoshindo and Associate
Disciplines from France), Shihan ROLAND MAROTEAUX the president of
European Sobukai Takeda Ryu and Sensei Serge CHARLOPEAU 5 Dan Takeda Ryu
the president UNGDA. The occasion of this special seminar and international
reunion was the anniversary of 20 years from the foundation in France of
UNGDA and also the granting of the 8th DAN to Sensei Maroteaux by the
renowned international association IBA (International Budo Federation).
To this special event there was invited it take part a
lot of European experts and not only; even a series of surprise guests.
The reunion has begun with an official dinner party with a
special program, organized at the hotel Novotel from Chartre. The dinner
party was presided by the Baron Andre Saumiere dAlby an old friend of
Sensei Maroteaux, an enthusiast by that entire concern medieval cavalry and
war ethic in Europe. There were introduce the honorary guests the foreign
experts, and, after festive speeches, Sensei Maroteaux was granted the 8 Dan
Aikijutsu diploma, and also the international recognition with honorary
title of Hanshi.
The next days all the guests
started to teach techniques specific of their schools or styles.
Here are the list of the honorary guests -
experts in many traditional martial arts, which attended at this seminar.
Bernard Lalandre 6 Dan Nihon Kenpo (France)
has presented many fight combinations specific to the Nihon Kenpo style, a
variation of Kenpo Jujutsu initiated in Japan by Master Tanaka. The style
contain many principles and articulator techniques in the manner of
Aikijutsu, very strong projections and also atemi techniques strikes with
the arms and the legs. Apparently the style resemble enough with Shorinji
Kenpo. It isnt useless to be mentioned that Master B. Lalandre has followed
in Japan also a lot of stages for perfecting in Ju Kenpo Takeda Ryu even
with Soke Nakamura.
Claude Doudou 7 Dan Shotokan Karate Do (France)
The Master Doudou is the director of IMAF in France and he was the official
of this renowned international organization to this stage. He has presented
a lot of techniques of Kumite by traditional Shotokan, with accent on the
subtleties bound the lack of balance manners of the opponent (Kuzushi). It
was studied also a series of fight techniques at short distance with
finalities from Nihon Jujutsu, discipline that master Doudou practiced too
with Shihan Shizuya Sato The Director of IMAF.
Jean Pierre Vignau 7 Dan Shotokan Karate Do, Kyoshi
Ex-trainer in the Foreign Legion, with over 20 years of experience as black
belt, skilled stuntman and with a fine humor, Sensei Vignau has presented a
lot of techniques for defense on the knife and fire weapons, immobilization
with the belt or different improvised weapons. He practiced an old Shotokan,
non-modified, with high postures and techniques for fighting both at the
long distance and at the short (with elbow and knee techniques).
Willem Tieleman 8 Dan Jujutsu, 7 Dan Judo (Belgium)
International Technical Director for Judo and Jujutsu, master Tieleman has
presented projection techniques and counter-proceedings and also techniques
for forced transport. He has also insisted on the specific details, from
vital importance in the combat with more opponents and he has also presented
a series of details of some articulator techniques.
Bodet 7 Dan Shito Ryu Karate Do (France)
Technical director in France for Shito Ryu, Master Bodet has presented 2
traditional kata of Okinawaian inspiration: Seisan and Hakutsuru (white
crane kata) and also combinations for kumite.
Daniel Blanchet 9 Dan Aikijutsu (Corsica)
Technical European Director for International Budo
Federation, Master Blanchet has presented Aikijutsu techniques performed
with an uncommon flexibility and very dynamics. The accent has been laid
here on sabaki techniques (shiftiness and dodges) that, good mastered, lead
to techniques both very correct and very efficacious. Also he has presented
a series of atemi principles (strikes), techniques of weapons and for fight
against many opponents.
Guilermo Del Cueto 9 Dan Menkyo Kaiden Daito Ryu Aikijutsu (Canada)
Master Del Cueto, Cuban from origins but established in Canada, is
one of the few non-oriental which, after many years of study directly in
Japan, has succeed to take the title of Menkyo Kaiden in Daito Ryu Aikijutsu
(the total mastership in all the techniques of the school). For the first
time, Master Del Cueto has presented in Europe the basic and advanced
elements of Daito Ryu Aikijutsu. With an uncommon goodwill and with much
calm, Master Del Cueto has wrought with everybody from those presents there,
explaining himself the techniques and the principles. Daito Ryu is a school
derived from Takeda Ryu in 16th century and she is the form from which
Master Ueshiba has developed the modern AIKIDO, in the form known today.
Master Del Cueto has explained both the external form and certain methods
for the sewerage of the energy included in higher level of Daito Ryu without
the technique being efficiently. More about another stage only from Daito
Ryu, unfolded in Paris in the next issue of our magazine.
Finally Master Maroteaux has presented 2 demonstrations of Takeda Ryu
Aikijutsu and Iaido very appreciated.
There were presents also another honorary guests from which:
Abderrahim Mazouzzi - 5 Dan Aikido, 4 Dan Takeda Ryu (Marocco)
Eric Antverpen - 4 Dan Takeda Ryu Aikijutsu (Belgium)
Cristian Laiber - 3 Dan Takeda Ryu Aikijutsu, 3 Dan Bujinkan Ninpo (Romania)
Sensei Laiber has took part to this stage in a double
quality, representing both Romania and Germany whom officials couldnt come.
MAA Germany has empowered Sensei Laiber to represent also Germany and, on
this way, it was offered to Sensei Maroteaux, the Honor Diploma of MAA.
Finally I should wish to profit by this occasion to
thanks to all the masters and teachers with whom I has been the pleasure and
the honor to study, for the special kindness with whom they were met me and
helped me to perceive better fine details of the traditional Budo: Shihan
Roland J. Maroteaux, Sensei Pascal Lagouche (4 Dan Aikijutsu, 3 Dan Iaido, 1
Dan Jodo Paris), Sensei Serge Charlopeau (5 Dan Aikijutsu, 3 Dan Iaido, 2
Dan Jodo- Chartre), Sensei Francis Durot (4 Dan Aikijutsu, 2 Dan Iaido, 1
Dan Jodo).